We would like to thank all the speakers, presenters, volunteers, and attendees for making OCIB 2024 a successful event. You can see the list of winners below and some pictures of the symposium. Hope to see you all again next year at OCIB 2025!

Best 3-Min Thesis Presentation Winners
Katherine Di Iorio
Haille Hutchon
Laura Phillips

Best Undergraduate Poster Presentation Winners
Emily Cornthwaite
Matthias Mark-George
Chloe Forrest

Best Graduate Poster Presentation Winners
Mahmoud El-Saadi
Madison Stewart
William Johnston

Best Talk Winners
Lili Grieco-St-Pierre
Matthew Coffey
Marshall Ritchie

Logo contest winner
Thank you to all participants!
Madeleine Wredenhagen

Other pictures
All 3-min presenters

Pub Talk by Dr. Catherine Cullingham

Poster session

OCIB 2024’s co-chairs (left to right):
Mustafa Al-Gafari
Marc Avramov
Ramneek Cheema